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Other translations

Trainers and teachers all around the world have independently localized and translated content from EFF’s Surveillance Self-Defense. Please note that EFF has not reviewed or checked these translations, and cannot vouch for their accuracy or whether they are up to date. In case of doubt, always compare them with the latest version on

Localized guides of Surveillance Self-Defense

Guides in Bengali, provided by Localization Lab:

Guides in Bahasa Indonesia, provided by Localization Lab:

Guides in Karen S'gaw Burmese, provided by Localization Lab:

Guides in Karen Po'o East Burmese, provided by Localization Lab:

Guides in Jingpho Burmese, provided by Localization Lab:

Guides in Chinese (Traditional), provided by Open Culture Foundation and community:

Guides in Igbo, provided by Localization Lab:

Guides in Khmer, provided by Localization Lab:

Guides in Swahili, provided by Localization Lab:

Guides in Yoruba, provided by Localization Lab:

Guides in Twi, provided by Localization Lab:

Guides in Romanian, provided by Localization Lab:

Guides in Georgian, provided by Localization Lab: